Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Post-Oscar Movie Shakedown!

'Trust me, you want this.' —GreenCine Daily
The latest issue of the New-York Ghost features comments on the films of 2006 (gathered by resident film critic B. Kite)—and comments on things watched in 2006 that might have been made in the 1930s. Plus: Aimee Kelley, a blank page, and a special offer from the Ghost's resident seamstress, who informs us that her mailbox dimensions are more accurately 4 X 6 X 12".
Subscribe by dropping us a line at thenyghostATgmail.com. It's free!

Specific questions about possible stitchery? E-mail the seamstress: reginadoublemintATgmail.com.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Issue II.6: The Twenty % Tippers
As part of his agreement to join the project, Joe put together a ‘package’ or ‘itinerary,’ in which, among other things, I was shanghaied into joining his law firm’s intramural volleyball team...The Police have reunited—yawn!—and so have the Twenty % Tippers.
Read the complicated, hilarious, heartbreaking story of one singer's attempt to coordinate the schedules and commitments of her wayward bandmates in this week's issue of The New-York Ghost.
Subscribe for free by sending a message of positivity to thenyghostATgmail.com.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
The Late-Night Edition of 'The New-York Ghost'

The phonelines at the Ghost office were sizzling today.
'What happened?'
'Where's th' issue?'
'I want my money back—oh.'
We hid under the desks and wept. When it was over we contemplated new design ideas, changes in font, bagels, dingbat enlargement, coupons, advertising, 'shmear,' sans serif, nova. In the end it wound up being pretty much the way it always is—just much, much later.
For your free subscription, send an e-mail to us at thenyghostATgmail.com.
Photo: Sabrina Milliner