Tuesday, January 02, 2007
2006 roundup

We're taking a break this week—for real!—and would like to present a skeletal but sufficient accounting of the first fourteen issues.
Most issues have a letters section. The last element in each summary is the title of Aimee Kelley's weekly poem.
1. The shocking debut — blasphemous notes on The Who — 'Seasons'
2. 'Overdreamt in New York' — endless typewriter repair story — 'Installation of the Last Matter of Fact'
3. The New-York Film Festival — meditation on Ric Ocasek — ancient man in Manhattan — 'A Final Sonnet (Yellow Couple)'
4. Park Avenue Pensée — Samantha Hunt on what's beneath the Hotel New Yorker — Depressed Gargoyle photo — 'The Northernmost Anything'
5. 'Is this the Hallowe'en Issue?' — Michael Gerber's 'If H.P. Lovecraft and P.G. Wodehouse Were the Same Person' — 'This is how the life of Beatrice began'
6. Another dream — notes on The Queen — an idea for a concert — meditation on Carnegie Hall frieze — 'Afternoon'
7. The Emperor's Children as roman à clef — Adrian Kinloch's 'Denizens of the Iron Triangle' — TV show idea — chilling Alasdair Roberts song — 'Thought works this way'
8. 'S/Z in Cobble Hill' — introducing the hot new dingbat — 'Gotham Giggles' — 'Marquee Mumblings' — 'It wasn't automatic'
9. Obligatory Thanksgiving number — Hua Hsu's 'Tale of the Tape' — the Ghost Literary Supplement — 2046 outtake? — 'Parliament of You and Me'
10. Banging our knee — Dodie Smith at Ivy's Books — 'Tale of the Tape' #2 — best letter yet? — mini GLS — Untitled ('I live in a kingdom of ends')
11. Underlined passages in Revolutionary Road — Adrian Kinloch's 'A Coney Island of the Sign' — GLS names Alison Bechdel's Fun Home 'book of the year' — 'Jealousy at the Top of the World'
12. Bare-bones holiday edition — Tower Records sale is swamp of misspellings — Sloane Crosley's 'After Hours' — 'When I Was a Wandering Spaceman'
13. James Browning's 'Yule Log: A Log' — notes on Suture — 'Beatrice'
14. 'Deadpan in Nulltown,' by B. Kite and Bill Krohn (12-page special issue) — 'James in Flames'
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If you'd like to order a specific back issue, simply send a note with the number to thenyghostATgmail.com.
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If you're a subscriber who wants to unsubscribe, just let us know.
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Thank to all our subscribers, readers, models, contributors, photographers, photoshoppers, and letter-writers. Keep passing the word around! And a special thank you to Dan Visel for the Ghost dingbat, Jennifer Snow for crucial technical assistance, and assorted bloggers for the kind mentions over the past few months.
Photo: Jennifer Snow