Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The 'most experimental' Ghost yet—is that a good thing?—is out, featuring some easy recipes, musings on layout, an Oulipian interlude, more musings on layout, and much dithering, all of it guaranteed to beat you down till you look like the glum serpent above. Fortunately, all is redeemed by Adrian Kinloch's photos and Aimee Kelley's weekly poem.
Subscribe for free by writing to thenyghostATgmailDOTcom.
Photo: Adrian Kinloch
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Part law firm, part poem...

The brand-new number of The New-York Ghost is part false light, part dream, part movie, part law firm, part poem, part mysterious object at noon—make that '3:30 p.m.'!
Subscribe for free by writing to thenyghostATgmailDOTcom.
Photo of the Ikea construction site in Red Hook by Adrian Kinloch
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
'Western' New-York Ghost

The latest number features Adrian Kinloch's chilling yet beautiful photographs of an abandoned insane asylum in Buffalo, vain attempts at wording a joke, and another mega-sized Aimee Kelley poem. (Is it true that only people with the initials 'A.K.' work for the Ghost?)
There's an odd ringing sound as we write this, halfway between a tossed coin settling to rest and a chorus of small frogs.
To subscribe—for free—drop us a message: thenyghostATgmailDOTcom.
Photo: Adrian Kinloch
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Back to Basics
The new New-York Ghost features an expanded 'Tales of the Tape,' an Aimee Kelley poem suitable for framing, and . . . your letters!
If you'd like to subscribe—it's free—just drop us a line at thenyghostATgmailDOTcom.
Pictured: A reader wearing an attractively embroidered New-York Ghost yarmulke. For details, see previous post.