Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Issue #14? But I thought...

Well, disregard the last post—issue #14 is out! It consists mostly of "Deadpan in Nulltown," B. Kite and Bill Krohn's twelve-page descent into cinephile madness (see photo, above, from Follow Me Quietly), plus your weekly poem. It's a knockout.
Subscribe for free by e-mailing thenyghostATgmail.com.
The Ghost is taking this holiday week off!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Issue #13—

—is ready! It's the obliquely festive holiday issue, featuring a Yule-log log, the pursuit of misspellings, notes on our new favorite movie, and more!
Subscribe by e-mailing us at thenyghost AT gmail.com.
Photo: Echolalia Studios
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Issue #12
What sort of albums can you find at the moribund Tower Records? Why should you be careful about who you date in your dreams? What is it about parties and loose manhole covers? Find out in the latest ('bare-bones') edition of The New-York Ghost, the weekly newsletter you print out at work. Also it's a—
Subscribe for free: thenyghost@gmail.com.
—Special 'non-Garamond' Edition—
Subscribe for free: thenyghost@gmail.com.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
—A technical note—

A few readers have reported that the Ghost PDFs have been giving them trouble due to their size. (The files' size, not the readers'.) If you'd rather receive issues of The New-York Ghost as Word files (which take up a fraction of the memory), just send a note to thenyghost@gmail.com. Maybe put "WORD UP" in the subject line. (Please allow a couple weeks for us to update the lists/preferences.)
And while we're writing—let us know if you'd like to discontinue your subscription. (We will weep, but we will understand.) You can always "re-up" later.
'The New-York Ghost'
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Issue #11 — chock full of ads!

Yes! Another issue of The New-York Ghost exists for your reading pleasure. Make sure you subscribe by dropping an e-mail to thenyghost@gmail.com.
Also, for a limited time, we are offering a special gift subscription—send us the e-mail address of a friend, and we'll send said chum the next however-many issues of the Ghost, along with a special note full of holiday cheer...or spookiness.
Update: A ghostly thank you to Sugar High!
Photo by Adrian Kinloch