Saturday, May 09, 2020
The Food Issue
Hope you’re hungry. In this packed issue, Christopher Brown reviews a curious cookbook...Photo-essayist Svein-Inna Quilt has a hard-hitting look at food in the era of social distancing...Rebecca Kosick decodes the ‘Swede’...Plus Julia Kardon’s latest crossword, poetry by Courtney Dodson, and the art of Lucas Adams.

For a subscription, write: thenyghost2 [at] gmail

For a subscription, write: thenyghost2 [at] gmail
Thursday, April 23, 2020
‘In Which You Get a Taste of How Truly Uncool I Am’
This special issue features a complete, socially distanced role-playing game by Stu Horvath, a literary crossword puzzle by Julia Kardon, the latest poem by Courtney Dodson, and a veritable bestiary of creatures from the pen of Lucas Adams. Let's roll!
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
'The iPhone Haikus'
This morning the reservoir, as I said, was a golden mirror, and squirrels pranced with purpose, and the lindens all were shrugging as if to say, Spring is here, what did I tell you, what did you think would happen? —From ‘Closed and Open Files’
This issue features ten prose snapshots of a far off time and place (2016 Manhattan), the iPhonic haikus of Matt Madden, a surprise correspondent from overseas, and another crossword by 'Ghost' puzzle goddess Julia Kardon.
To subscribe (it’s free), write to thenyghost2 [at] gmail [dot] com.
Wednesday, April 08, 2020
The latest 'Ghost' brings you original work from Ling Ma, Julia Kardon, Lucas Adams, and Courtney Dodson.
To subscribe, write to thenyghost3 [at] gmail [dot] com.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Summer 2009
The summer issue of the 'Ghost' features a long whatsit, illustrated with a woodcut by Brooklyn artist Jing Wei.
To subscribe (it's free), send an e-mail to thenyghost3 [at] gmail [dot] com.
To subscribe (it's free), send an e-mail to thenyghost3 [at] gmail [dot] com.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
'Happy Memories of the Dental Chair'

But it is true.
* * *
Read 'Happy Memories of the Dental Chair'—subscribe to the Ghost by writing to thenyghost2ATgmailDOTcom.
More on a new (?!) book by Twain here.
Labels: dentists, Mark Twain
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Oscar tie-in edition
The Ghost is proud to publish "Madeleine and Mac," the latest installment of James Browning's ongoing memoir.
To subscribe, drop us a line at newyorkghost AT gmail DOT com.
To subscribe, drop us a line at newyorkghost AT gmail DOT com.